Friday, July 14, 2006


Some of you whom I have seen around work the last day or two have heard me talk about the link between Lebanon, Syria and Iran. Follow this link to read the FoxNews story on current events:,2933,203568,00.html

Specifically, I want to quote the president of Iran: "Despite the barbaric and criminal nature of the occupiers of Jerusalem, the regime and its Western supporters do not even have the power to give Iran a nasty look."

Nothing says "bring it on" like that. Lots of anger in that region. In an ideal world, I would land on the phrase "why can't we all just get along." Since we are this side of heaven, though, the phrases I think of more often go along the lines of "You asked for it." Even though by saying that, I know that I am most likely putting my life on the line. Unless something is done to force these people (Israel and the Muslims) to end their nearly-eternal dispute, it will go on forever, or as long as at least one person is alive on either side. While it is sad to say it, I think the U.S. needs to step in and end this once and for all. We will be impacted by this war. It is a war. The only question is, do we fight on our terms or theirs.

Anyone know of any good tourist spots in Lebanon, Syria, Iran or North Korea?



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