Saturday, May 31, 2008

Obama Update #2

Obama has decided that his church is causing him political problems, so he resigned his membership.

I am under-freaking-whelmed.

The point is he has been a member of a radical church for 20 years. It is so radical, even he knows that the future President of the United States shouldn't belong to that church.

Only problem...the future President of the United States should never have been a member of that church for 20 years.

Hello. Get a clue. WAY TOO LATE.

First he was a member. Then someone thought that pastor was crazy. So, Obama defended his past pastor. Then a bunch of people thought that pastor was crazy. So, Obama said he didn't share his pastor's views. Then everyone thought his pastor was crazy. So, Obama distanced himself from his former pastor. Then everyone thought his whole church was crazy. So, Obama decided to leave the church.

Get a backbone and do what is right in the first place, not just because you got caught. If my kids do that they get should Obama. To be clear, punish him by not electing him.



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