Tuesday, January 20, 2009

An Historic Day

Tomorrow will be an historic day in our nation's history. It will be the 36th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision. The last abortion statistic available from National Right to Life (which appears to be from 1973 to 2007) is 49,551,703 dead in the United States.

Based upon the average of over 1 million abortions each year, it would be safe to estimate that over 50 million human beings have been killed.

In perspective, 9/11 death toll is around 2,750.

The Iraq war death toll is just over 4,200.

World War II U.S. death toll was over 400,000.

The Civil War death toll (both sides) was around 625,000

Estimated Holocaust death toll: 5.9 million Jews and about 6 million others for a total of 12 million.

To say that this is the greatest tragedy of this century or the last would be accurate.

When the history of this time is written many years in the future, those authors will fail to understand us as much as we fail to understand the Germans in the 30's and 40's.

How can we let this happen? How can over 50 million be killed and it is "legal"?

What baffles me is that more poor minorities have abortions than any other group, and yet no one picks this up as a class warfare issue or a racial issue.

Our nation, with its fresh new minority leader who promises economic equality, should be ashamed. We have killed 50 million of our own.

How can God bless our nation while be allow such an atrocity to continue unchecked?



At 8:54 PM, Blogger Papa Frank said...

Thanks for stopping by my humble blog, Dan. I attended Cornerstone during its first year. I was one of the students who came over from GRSBM when the two schools merged and GRBC became Cornerstone. Stop by whenever you like.


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