Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Tomorrow's headlines today!

Tonight is the first Presidential debate of 2012.  I will not be watching.  I have learned all I need to about the candidates.  Unless Romney or Obama come out as Martians tonight, I won't be swayed in my decision.  (If that happens, I'm sure I'll hear about it before the election.)

However, in spite of not watching, and in spite of the debate being still in the future, I know the headlines we will see tomorrow.  Unfortunately, my power of prognostication are not perfect, so I can only tell you the general headlines you'll see tomorrow.  Below are the headlines for the mainstream media outlets:

"President Obama wins!"

"President Obama beats Romney!"

"President Obama comes out on top"

"President Obama wins the night"

"Romney fails to deliver"

"Romney stumbles"

"Romney fails to connect with viewers"

"Viewers unimpressed with Romney"

"Debate fails to shift viewers"

"Romney's problem with the 47%"

"Romney fails to deliver specifics on plans"

"Romney's problem with women"

"Fact check: Obama truthful, Romney lies"

"Romney's war on everyone"

"Romney fails to dent President Obama on foreign policy (economics, debt, jobs, etc.)"

George Stephanopopopolououous will declare the democrat the clear winner.

Someone will have a tingle run up their leg as they realize President Obama is the second coming of Christ.

Madonna will claim to be carrying President Obama's child as a result of spontaneous conception.  (Irony of "Madonna" not lost on me.)

A couple of days after the debate (Friday or Monday), we will read some polls indicating that Romney got a slight bounce in the polls.  A few days after that (Wed, Thur or Fri) we will see another poll come out indicating that the "bounce is gone, and, in fact, President Obama is now ahead of where he was before the debate". 

FoxNews headline "Where are the jobs, Mr. Obama?"

When it is all said and done, the debates don't really matter.  What matters is the clear choice between someone who believes in one economic and world view vs. someone who believes in different ones.  Those views are all apparent and have been for quite some time to anyone living on this planet. 

I will be choosing the economic and world views of freedom vs. control.



At 10:29 AM, Blogger Dan G. said...


Romney not stellar, Obama flat

Does Romney have time to win?


The Debate's Biggest Loser: Big Bird

Fact Checking Romney, Obama in First Debate

Romney Dominates in Denver, but Proof Will be in the Polling


Fact-checking first presidential debate

How did Romney, Obama do in the first debate?

Obama: "If you're 54 or 55, listen up"


Truth Squad: Fact-checking Obama, Romney

Fox News


Debate Re-Energizes Campaign 2012

A Win for Romney in First Round of Debates

I guess when Obama loses, the important part is fact checking.

At 3:32 PM, Blogger Dan G. said...

More from later in the day.


Is Big Bird's goose cooked?

Obama accuses Romney of dishonesty


Obama Fights Back a Day Later

Dems Search for Excuses After Debate Performance


After debate, Obama uses humor to jab Romney

Romney's big night
Analysis: First presidential debate was Mitt Romney's best effort so far; Will it last?


Energized Obama fights back after lackluster debate


The feisty Obama returns in Denver

Mitt Romney wins a reprieve

Biden: Obama 'did a great job'

Huffington Post

'You Owe The American People The Truth'...Finally Mentions 47%

Mitt's Big Health Care Whopper

Debate's Real Losers

Does Romney's Debate Win Matter?

PBS Issues Blistering Response To Mitt Romney Attack


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