Comment 1:
Close minded
Right winged
Gun tooting
Disillusioned realist (You think you are a realist but you really aren't.)
I agree with all of that, except disillusioned. Delusional realist perhaps, but not disillusioned. I take the final comment in the spirit intended. :-)
I am glad to see that a former colleague is keeping up with my blog.
Comment 2:
I think a cabinet should heavily influence a President. One person cannot be an expert on every topic necessary to lead this nation. Indeed, one person cannot even devote the necessary time to be personally adequately informed about every topic. Therefore, the President needs to rely on people he/she trusts to filter out information and present the important decision factors to the President. Top CEOs function the same way. However, the problem that usually occurs for the President is that he/she puts people in place, not because of their critical thinking skills, but because of personal relationships. Both are critical to advising a President. The President has to trust the cabinet and the cabinet needs to be able to filter and report on information to the President after using some of that critical thinking.
Are there some situations where the President should be the primary filter and "decider"? Absolutely. However, due to time limitations, these items need to be chosen carefully. War and disaster relief would be two examples.
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