Wednesday, August 05, 2009

This + Socialist President = Scary

Here's the story:

The President considered deploying troops on American soil. This truly blurs the line that many thought had been clear.

"Scott L. Silliman, a Duke University law professor specializing in national security law, told the Times that a U.S. president had not deployed the active-duty military on domestic soil in a law enforcement capacity, without specific statutory authority, since the Civil War."

Wow. We came that close.

Now, with a Socialist President and this background and the talk coming from the White House ("The controversy is part of a larger debate on health care reform that has led Democrats to portray town hall audiences protesting a Democratic-sponsored bill as angry mobs duped into hostile actions by special interest groups.") and we have a situation where those who don't agree with the White House are categorized as angry mobs/terrorists and troops used against them.

If you had asked me 12 months ago if something like this was possible, I would have given a hearty "no." Now, I have to say, I see the possibility.



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