Sunday, June 15, 2008

More Responses

At 6:57 AM, Blogger Cherith said...

I have been silently watching this dialogue develop and I was wondering . . . isn't running for president something you should discuss with your wife before announcing it to the world?

Typically, it would be. However, I am a long shot, to say the least. If it all ends up working out, I know my wife will support me. If not, no big deal. I don't plan on "quitting my day job" to campaign or anything.

Also, I did have a couple of questions about your platform . . . what is your view on all the money NASA spends on space? Please address the distinctions between value of exploring vs. the panic to find a way to make Mars habitable in case the world faces imminent destruction. How does this fit in with your world view?

I think when it comes to the destruction of the Earth it will be at the hand of God. It doesn't matter what planet anyone is on when that happens. If God wants humanity destroyed, it is gone. We can't "run from God".

I think there could be value in exploring. There are mineral resources on other celestial bodies and, of course, there is the necessity to militarize space. If we don't militarize, someone else will. (If they haven't already.) So, space is important to me, but not at the "this is the only hope long-term human survival has" kind of level. More at the "this is how we keep the Chinese and Russians from militarizing space and mining Mars first" level.

. . . Could you expand a little on your immigration policy? We are a nation founded by immigrants . . . not that we just let them flow in illegally and wreak havoc on our economy, but what about reviewing the laws and policies to see if they are fair about who they let in or do they naturally weed out the most desperate just because of the "hoops" they have to jump through?

Well, we didn't really immigrate...really we invaded. And, it depends on who "we" is, because some of my ancestors were the invaders and some were the invaded. Anyway, however we put it, this land was conquered. The United States of America currently controls it. I think it is important to review who we let in and in what numbers. One important thing to do, however, is to bring back our national identity. People would immigrate to the United States, and then be United States citizens. I, for instance, think of myself as a citizen of the United States. I don't think of myself as a German-American, Dutch-American, Native American, European-American or Scottish-American. I am an American. Part of the transition to this country was to build a stronger affiliation with the present country than the previous one.

Also, who do you give preferential treatment to? Most would agree to start with those being persecuted in foreign countries for fundamental American beliefs, such as freedom of religion. Beyond that, it gets complex. We cannot fix the world. That is also not any government's role.

. . . Could you also be more detailed about your views on oil and the spotted owl?

The point of the comment about oil and the spotted owl is that we need to realize that man is more important than any animal. I will not sacrifice a child for a dog and I will not sacrifice people (through conflict with oil rich nations) for the sake of a few spotted owls (or any other species). While we should never unnecessarily sacrifice any of the things God has given us to steward, we should not sacrifice people to only protect things.

At 9:09 AM, Blogger Joshua said...

You didn't talk to your wife about this campaign.

I hope you are not going to try and run with "Family Values" as a part of your platform.

The second line: Family Values are those values that support a family. I fully intend to support Family Values. I also believe that my concern over the value of my wife's opinion is more significant than any other candidate since Reagan. (Note the cheap political way I tied myself to a great conservative?)



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