Back from Singapore...a while ago
Well, I'm back from Singapore. I haven't written for a while because when I got back I was fighting jet-lag. Then I was fighting a nasty flu. Then I was fighting to get caught up at work last week. Now I finally feel like I can spend a little time updating.
Things went well in Singapore. It was a fun trip. It was more fun to come home and be reunited with my family.
My pastor (of Vermontville Bible Church, Dan Smith) is a major in the National Guard. He is required to report on Dec 2, 2004 for an 18-month tour of active duty. He doesn't know for sure where he will be going, but suspects Iraq. Initially had thought Afghanistan.
Anyway, the reason I bring the last 2 paragraphs up is because I felt so alone and seperated from my family with the prospect of being gone for 10 days. My pastor is going to be gone (as so many other soldiers, sailers, airmen and marines have) for a year and a half. Wow.
Now, don't get me wrong. If our positions were reversed, I would go in a heartbeat. Not because I would want to or because I would think it would be fun, but because it is the right thing to do. Not just to fulfill a duty obligation, but because the U.S. is working at making the world a better place.
Well, I will touch on this more later.