Monday, June 30, 2008

Nerd Test

I think one of the prerequisites for President of the United States should be that he/she should be a nerd. Here is my score: says I'm a Dorky Nerd God.  What are you?  Click here!

I took this test after one of my friends did. For the record, I did not lie on this test. I beat this nerdy person soundly, which makes me wonder.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Presidential Election 2012

The Presidential Election in 2012 happens on Nov 6. That means there are only 1601 days left until the election and there is a lot of work to do.

Here is a link to a countdown clock:

Presidential Election 2012 Countdown Clock


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Reason Why Good People Should Carry

The situation described is horrible. I had heard about it before, but this is a good tie-in.

This is one of the reasons why I support citizens, with proper training and character assessment (background check and mental health check), carrying weapons.

I am going to make it a priority to get my CCW (or CPL) permit very soon.

Citizens should not rely on the government for all protection. Police cannot be everywhere. People need to take personal responsibility for their own protection. Then, the legal system needs to ensure that people are not persecuted for protecting themselves. The legal system needs to reasonably examine every shooting, and possibly prosecute, but not persecute.


Sunday, June 15, 2008

More Responses

At 6:57 AM, Blogger Cherith said...

I have been silently watching this dialogue develop and I was wondering . . . isn't running for president something you should discuss with your wife before announcing it to the world?

Typically, it would be. However, I am a long shot, to say the least. If it all ends up working out, I know my wife will support me. If not, no big deal. I don't plan on "quitting my day job" to campaign or anything.

Also, I did have a couple of questions about your platform . . . what is your view on all the money NASA spends on space? Please address the distinctions between value of exploring vs. the panic to find a way to make Mars habitable in case the world faces imminent destruction. How does this fit in with your world view?

I think when it comes to the destruction of the Earth it will be at the hand of God. It doesn't matter what planet anyone is on when that happens. If God wants humanity destroyed, it is gone. We can't "run from God".

I think there could be value in exploring. There are mineral resources on other celestial bodies and, of course, there is the necessity to militarize space. If we don't militarize, someone else will. (If they haven't already.) So, space is important to me, but not at the "this is the only hope long-term human survival has" kind of level. More at the "this is how we keep the Chinese and Russians from militarizing space and mining Mars first" level.

. . . Could you expand a little on your immigration policy? We are a nation founded by immigrants . . . not that we just let them flow in illegally and wreak havoc on our economy, but what about reviewing the laws and policies to see if they are fair about who they let in or do they naturally weed out the most desperate just because of the "hoops" they have to jump through?

Well, we didn't really immigrate...really we invaded. And, it depends on who "we" is, because some of my ancestors were the invaders and some were the invaded. Anyway, however we put it, this land was conquered. The United States of America currently controls it. I think it is important to review who we let in and in what numbers. One important thing to do, however, is to bring back our national identity. People would immigrate to the United States, and then be United States citizens. I, for instance, think of myself as a citizen of the United States. I don't think of myself as a German-American, Dutch-American, Native American, European-American or Scottish-American. I am an American. Part of the transition to this country was to build a stronger affiliation with the present country than the previous one.

Also, who do you give preferential treatment to? Most would agree to start with those being persecuted in foreign countries for fundamental American beliefs, such as freedom of religion. Beyond that, it gets complex. We cannot fix the world. That is also not any government's role.

. . . Could you also be more detailed about your views on oil and the spotted owl?

The point of the comment about oil and the spotted owl is that we need to realize that man is more important than any animal. I will not sacrifice a child for a dog and I will not sacrifice people (through conflict with oil rich nations) for the sake of a few spotted owls (or any other species). While we should never unnecessarily sacrifice any of the things God has given us to steward, we should not sacrifice people to only protect things.

At 9:09 AM, Blogger Joshua said...

You didn't talk to your wife about this campaign.

I hope you are not going to try and run with "Family Values" as a part of your platform.

The second line: Family Values are those values that support a family. I fully intend to support Family Values. I also believe that my concern over the value of my wife's opinion is more significant than any other candidate since Reagan. (Note the cheap political way I tied myself to a great conservative?)


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Must Watch Video

Go watch. Now. 13 minutes, but worth every minute.

Props to my friend Greg who found this.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dan's Campaign Continues

This video was sent by a friend who thought this might help my campaign:

Please read my response along side watching the video. They parallel each other. My response follows:

I'm voting democrat because I believe a free market economy is evil. Successful corporations and successful people are evil. Only "the people" are good. Communism is the only way to go.

I'm voting democrat because I believe there is some magic cure that can be found immediately if only the federal government taxes me more and gives that money to any crackpot who has a crazy idea.

I'm voting democrat because, again, I believe a free market economy is evil. Communism is the only way to go. Drug companies are evil too. They don't gain anything if people live.

I'm voting democrat because I believe the federal government can do a better job educating my child than I can. I am also against charter schools, where class sizes can be reduced dramatically. (By the way, the teacher's unions who thrive on 35-to-1 classroom rations and no accountability are voting democrat too.)

I'm voting democrat because I believe that, even though that thing in a woman could be nothing else other than a person, it is inconvenient to me. So let's kill it. Then do it again. It is fun.

I'm voting democrat because I believe that drastically limiting supply we can use domestically is somehow saving the environment. And democrats hate nuclear energy, the cleanest form of energy on the planet today.

I'm voting democrat because I believe judges should make laws. To Hell with the Constitution and separation of powers. (By the way, Republicans hate black people and are racist...right?)

I'm voting democrat because I believe homosexuals are better than heterosexuals. Morals...who needs those? A hetero couple shacks benefits. A homo couple shacks up and pretends its serious and...poof...benefits.

I'm voting democrat because I believe whatever the government touches gets better, not worse. The world has gotten cleaner since the EPA began. (Please forget that in the 70's when the EPA began, we were worried about global cooling and not global warming.) FYI, birthday of EPA is Dec 2, 1970. See, the world is much better environmentally than in the 70's.

I'm voting democrat because I believe again, big corporations are inherently evil. It doesn't matter if new technology is safe or not. I'm afraid and I need the perfect government to protect me. The government can fix everything.

I'm voting democrat because I believe (did I mention big corporations are inherently evil?) Ignore the fact that the government makes more on a gallon of gas than the oil companies do. Republicans put minorities in prison, not the entitlement mentality that democrats provide. Hybrids have more CO2 footprint than that used SUV (check Wired Mag latest issue). The perfect government can give health care to all (just look at the success of the Soviet Union and the long lines in Canada). Again, big corporations and successful people are evil. And I don't understand the Constitution. I believe the whole world should be run by one big government. Because we should do anything for the sake of peace, even facilitate genocide. Ditto. Ditto.

I'm voting democrat because they say they can do all of these things and only increase taxes a little. So what if "a little" is 98%.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Comment 1:

Close minded
Right winged
Gun tooting
Disillusioned realist (You think you are a realist but you really aren't.)

I agree with all of that, except disillusioned. Delusional realist perhaps, but not disillusioned. I take the final comment in the spirit intended. :-)

I am glad to see that a former colleague is keeping up with my blog.

Comment 2:

I think a cabinet should heavily influence a President. One person cannot be an expert on every topic necessary to lead this nation. Indeed, one person cannot even devote the necessary time to be personally adequately informed about every topic. Therefore, the President needs to rely on people he/she trusts to filter out information and present the important decision factors to the President. Top CEOs function the same way. However, the problem that usually occurs for the President is that he/she puts people in place, not because of their critical thinking skills, but because of personal relationships. Both are critical to advising a President. The President has to trust the cabinet and the cabinet needs to be able to filter and report on information to the President after using some of that critical thinking.

Are there some situations where the President should be the primary filter and "decider"? Absolutely. However, due to time limitations, these items need to be chosen carefully. War and disaster relief would be two examples.


Friday, June 06, 2008


I asked for questions about my political stance previously. Do you already know what I think or are you simply not interested? If not interested, what are you interested in?
