Thursday, January 06, 2005

School vs. Social Program

So, how many people send their kids to school and how many send their kids to the social program that started as a school many decades ago?

Let me share the distinction:

A school is an institution for the instruction of of children.

A social program that started as a school is a place where children go during the day to be fed 2 of their 3 meals out of the day, where they spend most of their waking hours (thanks to before and after school programs), where they are taught not just traditional subjects (such as math, reading, writing) but also the values of those who control curriculum (including values covering sexuality), with no real discipline.

Parents have abdicated their rights and responsibility to parent their children. The State has stepped in and taken over the role as parent and provider.

So, why this Well, for the last 42 hours, we have been experiencing a severe snow storm. Almost every school in the area is closed. However, the school that most exemplifies a social program is open. Not because roads are safe or because the education the children are going to receive today is somehow special, but because the social program knows that without them, the children won't eat much (if at all) today.

How truly sad.
