Monday, April 20, 2009

Lest we forget - Updated

The caliber of Democratic military analysis:

The war is lost, the surge has failed, we should run away.

No apologies to our great military who has won not only the war but the peace in Iraq without the same level of commitment from their counterparts in the State Department and with a complete lack of support from the Democrats.

These people disgust me.

Never forget the facts. The Democrats betrayed this nation and the great men and women serving in the military.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wall St. vs. Main St.

How much did our new President make last year?

You read correctly... $2.7 million!!!!!

There are about 525,949 minutes in a year. So, stated differently, he made a little over $5.13 every minute or $308 dollars every hour or $1,298 per work hour (figuring a 40 hour work week). I don't know about you, but I made a little less than that per hour for my work.

Does anyone remember Obama criticizing McCain for not being in touch with main street because he owned 7 houses?

How in touch is Obama with an income of $2.7 million?

How many houses can you buy with just one million dollars? You can buy about 7 houses just like mine.

Obama couldn't locate main street unless he asked his chauffeur to drive him there.


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

I need one!

This has got to be the best infantry weapon ever!!!:

Again, I NEED one!!!! (And a few hundred rounds of that ammo!)
