Thursday, February 22, 2007

Shines the name...

Almost anyone who knows me knows I am a big fan of the book (not movie) Starship Troopers. In the book, the main character, Juan Rico, from the Philippines, is a member of the Mobile Infantry. He is transported primarily aboard the ship Rodger Young. All of the ships are named after military heroes of the past.

The real Rodger Young's complete story can be found here:

Also, the ballad of Rodger Young:

The short story that pertains to this post is that Rodger Young won the Medal of Honor for his actions in WWII as part of the 37th "Buckeye" division as a member of the National Guard.

I am currently assigned to the scout platoon, HHC 1st Batt, 125th Infantry, aka. Headquarters company of the 1st battalion of the 125th infantry regiment. The 1st Batt, 125th is part of the relatively new 37th Brigade Combat Team. BCT's are being formed instead of divisions to allow greater flexibility of units.

Now, to quote:

As a consequence of the transformation of the 37th into an infantry brigade, the unit is to be given the old Buckeye Patch of the 37th Infantry Division of World War I and World War II.

So, in essence, the 37th BCT will be carrying on the tradition and history of the 37th division.

This means that I, a huge fan of the book Starship Troopers, am currently serving in the same unit as Rodger Young did. Wow! What are the chances?!?!
