Thursday, November 20, 2008

More on the Economy

The Dow is now down 21.5 % since President-elect Obama was elected.

The Dow has lost more than 1/5th of its total value in the 12 days since the election!

Is anyone hearing anything about any tie-in between election and the Dow from anywhere (especially the main stream media)? If so, please post a link. I have heard absolutely nothing.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Economy

Has anyone else noticed that in the last 11 days since the Presidential election the Dow has dropped 17%?

I am telling you as strongly as I can that if a Republican had won the election, there would be an outcry like you wouldn't believe about how the newly elected Republican was already negatively impacting the economy and the markets.

Have you heard or seen one story on this?

I haven't.

Gotta love the journalistic effort being put forth on this.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

First Negative Obama MSM story I've Seen

Eight days since the election, this is the first negative story I've seen. Here it is:

My favorite quote:

""The last thing he wants is a headline that says, 'Obama Administration: Clinton Administration, Part Three,'" said Larry Sabato, director of the University of Virginia Center for Politics."

Should have seen this coming with the selection of Biden. The good news is that it looks like Obama will continue to be someone's puppet. The alternative is extreme socialism.


Saturday, November 08, 2008

Obama offends those of mixed heritage

I, like many Americans, am of mixed ancestry. I have some Scottish, Irish, German/Dutch, and Native American (American Indian) just to name those I am sure of. In the sense of ancestral purity, I am a mutt. By choosing to so casually throw out a term like "Mutt like me," he has chosen to casually offend all of us of mixed ancestry.

Please look at the wiktionary definition: Please note the word pejorative. Please note the wikipedia entry on pejorative:

Please note the media spun it a little differently:

"The message seemed clear — here is a president who will be quite at ease discussing race, a complex issue as unresolved as it is uncomfortable for many to talk about openly. And at a time when whites in the country are not many years from becoming the minority."

The President-elect has been so for 3 days and has already offended me racially.


Thursday, November 06, 2008

Is racism resolved now that we have elected an African American President?

One of the statements I have heard about the election of President-elect Obama is that this is finally a concrete demonstration of the fact that the United States has moved beyond racism. Please note that the only people I have heard this from are white. I have not heard this from any minority.

Here is the problem with that view in the form of a question: Was gender discrimination eliminated when someone hired the first female CEO? The answer is simply "no". It was clear that there were opportunities for women. However, people concerned with gender issues pointed out that ratios did not accurately reflect what they believed to demonstrate gender equality. They also sited disparity in pay rates and the expectation of not just one CEO, but multiple CEOs at every type of organization. Another point was that, while there was a female CEO, there was a lack of representation at the VP level.

So, let's apply this same criteria to government. Our House and Senate are predominantly white. Our Supreme Court is predominantly white. I would suspect that our new President's Cabinet will be primarily white.

Simply put, the election of an African American President does not put an end to racism. It will not be long until we hear of the need to reach racial and gender parity in all other aspects of government and within our corporations. The choice of an African American President will be heralded as a "good start."

For those of you wishing to put the specter of racism behind this country, I have to say that I don't believe this will happen.

The question of whether or not this nation is really beyond racism is a much broader topic that I will not attempt to cover here. My short answer is we are still racist. Just look at Jeremiah Wright as a great example that racism is alive and well within the United States.


Obama and the economy

Stock market close on Tuesday, Nov 4 = 9625
Stock market close on Thursday, Nov 6 = 8695

Obama is elected President and the Dow tanks 930 points. In two days we have lost just shy of 10%.

Why is the media not reporting on the substantial negative impact President-elect Obama is having on our economy, even before being sworn in?


Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Obama wins Maine

I just saw this on Fox News. With 3 votes in, Obama wins Maine. Note that I didn't say 3%, 30% or 30,000 votes. I said 3 votes. One, two, three.

Wow. The media is off its rocker.


Sunday, November 02, 2008

Ringing endorsement for Obama

Homer Simpson wanted to vote for Obama. Don't you want to be as smart as Homer Simpson?
