Save the Turtles!!!
Here is the story:
Some entrepreneurial companies want to turn a barren wasteland into a space that will produce renewable energy, and, according to Sen. Feinstein and David Myers, the turtles are more important.
Let me be clear. I have nothing against turtles. I like turtles. My girls watch Franklin.
However, does anyone remember the energy crisis? Does anyone remember the Liberals charging that oil, coal and nuclear were bad choices and things like wind and solar (what these companies want to do) are the way to go? The short of it is that Liberals think people are bad, especially the masses. We don't deserve power or really even life. We might bother the turtles or the birds or the grass or the wind in the process of living.
Here's my proposal: Instead of building solar and wind in the desert and killing off some turtles, let's build a few dozen nuclear power plants there and provide for the whole nation. That way, the turtles get to live and we get power. Even France does this. How stupid are we when the French are ahead of us?