Monday, July 25, 2005

Not the typical post

Most of you are probably expecting a post about the National Guard, my weight or exercise routines, or perhaps some conservative topic. Well, I am going to surprise you a little and instead discuss my weekend.

My father-in-law fell off of a building this weekend onto a landscaping railroad tie. (one of the wooden post/plank/log type things under the metal railroad). Anyway, he broke a vertebrate, his shoulder blade and every rib (except for 1) on the right side of his body. He was flown to Spectrum Butterworth, where he underwent a number of tests and eventually surgery to put some pins in his back.

He originally had lost feeling in his legs from the thighs down. On Sunday, he could move his knees together. So, he is making progress.

He will be in the hospital most of this week, then get transferred to Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation for an unknown period of time. Presumably, until he recovers to a certain level.

My father-in-law and step-mother-in-law had been taking care of my nephew (son of my sister-in-law) (way too many hyphens). So, we are now taking care of my nephew. Not sure for how long, but probably weeks to months. His name is Dominik (I think the spelling is right). He is about 3 months younger than Mara. On top of all that, as most of you probably already know, my wife and I are expecting a new baby near the end of November, beginning of December.

My family of 3 with 1 on the way has now turned into a family of 4 with 1 on the way.

We spent this weekend running to the hospital, waiting with people, coordinating what was happening with the kids, getting ready to have a quick addition to our family, and spending Sunday evening adjusting to our new family org chart.

Well, gotta run. It is project season at work and students return within the month.


Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Quick Update

Ran last night. Time 18:55.

Time to do some research and find out what I need to do to cut that last couple minutes off of my time.


Saturday, July 09, 2005

Running Time

Didn't run since June 30. My mind wasn't into it.

Finally decided that I needed to get back on the horse.

Ran an 18:44 last night. Only 4 seconds off of my best and a lot better than the last run time.

Not sure on weigh in this week. My morning was off schedule and I didn't weight in this morning. Last week was the same, 244. I suspect I am still right around there. Friday I was still at 244.
